

副教授、博士生导师Associate Professor, PhD Supervisor

旅游学系 Department of Tourism studies

36365线路检测中心no1 School of Humanities

36365线路检测中心no1 Southeast University, Nanjing

Email: guqiushi2016@163.com; 101012151@seu.edu.cn


Teaching experience讲授课程

Research interests研究兴趣

  • 旅游服务管理 Tourism service management

  • 美食文化与旅游Culinary Culture and Tourism

  • 旅游心理学Tourism Psychology

  • 中国旅游 China Tourism

  • 旅游策划与案例分析Case studies in Tourism Planning and Development

  • 旅游地理与规划 Tourism geography and geography

  • 旅游者心理与行为 Tourist psychology and behaviour

  • 美食与美酒旅游 Food and wine tourism

  • 乡村旅游Rural Tourism

Qualifications  教育背景

  • 博士(2016)香港理工大学酒店业与旅游管理学院the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong, China)

  • 硕士(2008)南京师范大学地理科学学院(211,双一流) Nanjing Normal University (Nanjing, China)

  • 学士(2004)江南大学商学院(211,双一流) Jiangnan University (Wuxi, China)

Working experience  工作经历

  • 副教授 (2020),旅游学系,36365线路检测中心no1,36365线路检测中心no1(南京)Department of Tourism, School of Humanities, Southeast University (Nanjing, China)

  • 讲师(2016),旅游学系,36365线路检测中心no1,36365线路检测中心no1(南京)Department of Tourism, School of Humanities, Southeast University (Nanjing, China)

  • 实习督导(2008-2012),旅游学院,中山大学(广州)School of Tourism Management, Sun-Yat Sen University (Guangzhou & Zhuhai, China)


  • 宁夏大学MTA兼职硕士生导师(2024 -

  • 广州市人文社科重点研究基地(文化和旅游融合发展研究)特聘研究员(2022-

  • 江苏省旅游学会青年分会,副会长(2023-)

  • 江苏省旅游学会研学旅游分会,副秘书长(2020-)

  • 江苏省旅游学会, 常务理事(2017-) Jiangsu Provincial Tourism Institute, Council Member (2017-)

  • 南京旅游学会, 理事 (2017-) Nanjing Tourism Institute, Member (2017-)

  • 江西省虚拟地理环境与智慧旅游工程研究中心学术委员会委员(2022-2026Academic committee of Jiangxi Virtual geographical environment and smart tourism research center, Advisory member2022-2026

  • Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE) American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute, Member (2017-)

  • International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators (ISTTE), Member (2016-)

Grants as PIs 主持的科研项目                        

(1)2023-2025 江苏省社科基金一般项目:数字时代赋能非遗文化创意产业发展研究(主持在研,5). Research on empowering the development of intangible cultural heritage and creative industries in the digital age (Principle Investigator, RMB 50,000).

(2)2023-2026国家自然科学基金面上项目:乡村旅游地“三生”空间融合机制与格局优化模拟研究(主持在研,50).National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant/Award Number: 42271257 (2023-2026). Integration mechanism and spatial pattern simulation-based optimization of the “production-living-ecological” spaces in rural tourism destinations (Principle Investigator, RMB 500,000).

(3)2021-2023江苏省文化和旅游厅重点项目:苏省工业文旅融合发展测度与提升机制研究(主持完成8).Key project financed by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Grant/Award Number: 21ZD09 (2021-2022). Research on the Development Measurement and Promotion Mechanism of Industrial Cultural and Tourism Convergence Development in Jiangsu Province. (Principle Investigator, RMB 80,000).

(4)2019-2020开放基金:空间数据挖掘与信息共享教育部重点实验室开放基金项目:葡萄酒旅游者的流动性行为及其影响机制研究(主持完成,3). Open Research Funds. Funded by Key Lab of Spatial Data Mining & Information Sharing, Ministry of Education, Grant /Award Number: 2019LSDMIS03 (2019-2020). Spatial Behaviour and Effect Mechanism Analysis of Wine Tourists. (Principle Investigator, RMB 30,000).

(5)2018-2020国家自然科学青年基金:基于流动性视角的专题旅游者空间行为和影响机制研究-以葡萄酒旅游为例(主持完成,25)  National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant/Award Number: 41701160 (2018-2020). Spatial Behaviour and Effect Mechanism Analysis of Special Interest Tourists form a Mobility Perspective: Evidence from Wine Tourism (Principle Investigator, RMB 250,000).

(6)2019年南京市留学人员科技创新择优资助项目: 基于手机信令数据的南京旅游流研究,南京人力资源和社会保障局(主持完成,3) Nanjing Science and Technology Innovation Awards for Selected Overseas Graduates: Tourist spatial movement in Nanjing-Evidence from Cellular Signaling Data (Principle Investigator, RMB 30,000).

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles 主要发表的论文


(2) Shi, F., Gu. Q., Zhang, L.*(2024). Understanding brand reputation: A case study of Chinese wineries. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-07-2023-1057. (SSCI).

(3) Li.T., Wang. L & Gu. Q.* (2024). Evolution Pattern of Rural Tourism Investment Location Choice from the Perspective of Human-land Relationship System: Based on a Case Study of Zhejiang Province, China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 15(3):576-586. (CSCD).

(4)Gu, Q., Ye, B. H.*, Huang, S., Wong, M. S., & Wang, L. (2024).Spatial structure and influencing factors of an emerging wine tourism network: a case study of the Ningxia wine region. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-07-2023-0986. (SSCI).


(6)卓蓉蓉*,杨丽霞,徐萌,顾秋实(2023)乡村生活空间的概念模型与转型研究框架.自然资源学报. 38(10): 2554-2568. (CSSCI).

(7) Gu. Q., Li. M.*, & Huang. S. (2023). An exploratory investigation of technology assisted dining experiences from the consumer perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(3): 1010-1029. DOI:10.1108/IJCHM-02-2022-0214. (SSCI).

(8)顾秋实,叶浩彬*,Huy Quan Vu,黄松山,宋海岩等.新兴葡萄酒旅游目的地空间网络结构及其影响因素——基于社会网络分析方法.地理科学, 2022, 42(09): 1619-1626. (CSSCI).

(9) Gu. Q.*, Zhang. H., Chen, Y., & Li.Tao. (2022). Mapping the spatiotemporal patterns of beach litter on UK beaches from 2000 to 2016: An emerging hot spot analytical approach.Transactions in GIS. DOI: 10.1111/tgis.12906. (SSCI)

(10)Cao, M., Chang, L., Ma, S., Zhao, Z., Wu, K., Hu, X., Gu. Q., .... & Chen, M. (2022). Multi-scenario simulation of land use for sustainable development goals. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing15, 2119-2127. (SCI).

(11)龚丽丹,顾秋实*,黄羊山,刘洋阳.(2021). 国庆长假期间景区客源空间结构特征研究——以南京市国内客源市场为例. 湖南师范大学自然科学学报, 44(06) : 18-27+84.(北大核心).

(12)Zhu, R., Anselin, L., Batty, M., Kwan, M. P., Chen, M., Luo, W., ..., Gu. Q. ...,& Ratti, C. (2021). The effects of different travel modes and travel destinations on COVID-19 transmission in global cities. Science Bulletin. Doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2021.11.023. (SCI).

(13) Gu. Q., Li. M.*, & Kim. S. (2021). The role of nostalgia-evoking stimuli at nostalgia-themed restaurants in explaining benefits, consumption value and post-purchase behavioral intention, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 96: 102955. (SSCI).

(14)马尚靖,胡雪,赵子竣,曹敏,顾秋实& 陈旻.(2021).面向可持续发展目标的江苏土地利用模型构建与情景预测.现代测绘,44(03),6-9.

(15) Gu. Q., Zhang. H., Huang. S., & Zheng. F.*& Chen, C.(2021). Tourist spatiotemporal behaviour in an emerging wine region: A time geography perspective. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 19(1): 100513. (SSCI).

(16) Gu. Q.*, Qiu. H., King. B., & Huang. S. (2020). Understanding the wine tourism experience: The roles of facilitators, constraints, and involvement. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 26(2):211-229. Doi.org/10.1177/1356766719880253(SSCI).

(17) Gu, Q.*, & Huang, S. (2019). Profiling Chinese wine tourists by wine tourism constraints: A comparison of Chinese Australians and long‐haul Chinese tourists in Australia. International Journal of Tourism Research, 21(2): 206-220. Doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2255 (SSCI).

(18) Gu, Q, Zhang, H*; Chen, M; & Chen, C. (2019). Regionalization Analysis and Mapping for the Source and Sink of Tourist Flows. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(7):314 (SSCI).

(19) Gu. Q.*, Qiu. H., King. B., & Huang. S. (2018). Wine tourism involvement: a segmentation of Chinese tourists. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 35(5):633-648. DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2017.1401031(SSCI).

(20)顾秋实,张海平,周星星,赵鹏风.中国传统八大菜系的地理分布及其扩散效应——基于大数据视角的实证分析.浙江学刊,2019,238(5):47-53 (CSSCI) Gu, Q., Zhang, H., Zhou, X & Zhao, P. (2019). The geographical distribution and spillover effect of Chinese traditional eight cuisines: An empirical study based on big data approach, Zhejiang Tribune, 238(5):47-53. (CSSCI).

(21)顾秋实,张海平,陈旻,谢毅.基于手机信令数据的南京市旅游客源地网络层级结构及区域分异研究.地理科学,2019,39(11):1739-1748. (CSSCI)Gu, Q., Zhang, H., Chen, M & Xie, Y. (2019). The hierarchical network structures and regional differentiations for tourist source destinations based on cellular signaling data, Scientia Geographica Sinica, 39(11):1739-1748. (CSSCI).

(22)Pearl, M.C. Lin, &Tung, Vincent,Qiu Zhang. H. & Gu. Q*. (2018). Tourist Experience on Memorable Hospitality Services. Journal of China Tourism Research, 14(2): 123-145. (ESCI).

(23)Pearl, M.C. Lin, Qiu Zhang. H. & Gu. Q* & Peng. KL. (2017). To go or not to go: Travel constraints and attractiveness of outbound Chinese tourists to Japan, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34(9): 1184-1197. (SSCI).

(24)Jin. C., Huang. Z., Xu. J. & Gu. Q. (2013). Evaluation of Travel Convenience for Residents in the Yangtze River Delta, China, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 18(8), 865-879. (SSCI).

(25)袁林旺,俞肇元,黄震方,顾秋实.游客变化的多尺度波动特征及作用过程分析——以盐城麋鹿生态旅游区为例.旅游学刊,2009,24(7):27-33. (CSSCI) Yuan. L., Yu. Z., Huang. Z. & Gu. Q. (2009). An Analysis of Multi-Fluctuation Characteristics and Functional Process of Tourist Flow——A Case Study of Yancheng David’s Deer Ecotourism Area, Tourism Tribune, 24(7), 27-33. (CSSCI).

(26)黄震方,顾秋实,袁林旺.旅游目的地居民感知及态度研究进展.南京师大学报(自然科学版),31(2):111-118. Huang. Z, Gu. Q & Yuan. L. (2008). Literature Review for Residents’ Perceptions and Attitudes of Tourist Destinations, Journal of Nanjing Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 31(2), 111-118. (CSCD).

(27)黄震方,袁林旺,葛军连,顾秋实.海滨型旅游地环境承载力评价研究——以江苏海滨湿地生态旅游地为例.地理科学,2008(4):578-584. (CSSCI) Huang. Z, Yuan. L, Ge. J & Gu. Q. (2008). Tourism Environmental Carrying Capacity and its Assessment Research——A Case Study of Ecotourism in Coastal Wetland of Jiangsu, Scientia Geographica Sinica, 28(4), 578-584.  (CSSCI).

(28)袁林旺,俞肇元,黄震方,顾秋实.客源地社会、经济要素对生态旅游区游客量的作用机制分析——以盐城麋鹿自然保护区为例.人文地理,22(6):120-123. (CSSCI). Yuan. L., Yu. Z., Huang. Z. & Gu. Q. (2007). The Functional Mechanism of Tourism-generating Destinations’ Social-economic Factors to Tourist Numbers in Eco-tourism Scenic Spots—a Case Study of Yancheng Ecotourism Area for David’s Deer. Human Geography, 22(6), 120-123. (CSSCI).


(1)Chen, K., Gu, Q., Liao, J. & Shi, F. (2023). Tourism experience of intangible cultural heritage skills on the perspective of both suppliers and tourists. The 3rd Workshop of Asia Young Geographers, online conference, 16-17 December, 2023. (Best paper award)

(2)Gu, Q., Liu, W. & Li, M. (2023). Identifying and testing on-site stimuli at industrial heritage tourism destinations in the digitization context. 2023 Global Marketing Conference, Seoul, Korea, 20-23 July, 2023.

(3)Gu. Q., Ye, Ben, H *, Huang. S., & Wang. L. (2023). Characteristics and driving Forces of Wine tourism networks: A case study of Ningxia Wine region. 5th Wine & Hospitality Management Workshop, Hong Kong, China, 11-12 April, 2023.

(4)Gu, Q., Zheng, X. & Kim. S. (2022). Exploring the value co-creation mechanism between tourists and business stakeholders: A case study of liquor industry heritage sites in China. 2022 Inaugural Frontiers in Hospitality and Tourism Annual Research Symposium, Macau, China, 20 October- 21 October, 2022.

(5)Gu, Q., Song, H. & Gong, L. (2022). Network analysis of wine tourism in Ningxia wine region. 4th Wine & Hospitality Management Workshop, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy,5 September- 6 September, 2022.

(6)Gu, Q., Zhang, H., Huang, S. & Zheng, F. (2019). Tourists’ spatial-temporal behaviors in a wine tourism destination. 1st International Tourism Studies Association, Beppu, Japan. 19 August -25 August, 2019. (Best paper award)

(7)Gu, Q., Zhang, H., Huang, S. & Zheng, F. (2018). Tourists’ spatial movements in a wine region a GIS analytical approach. International Conference of Motilities Health Welling and Tourism, Guangzhou China. 30 November -2 December, 2018.

(8)Gu, Q., Huang, S., Yin, J., Chan, J. (2018). Practices of wine importing and retailing in China: An Australian wine trade perspective. 2018 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 26 July- 29 July.

(9)Pearce, J, Huang, S. Crotts J, & Gu, Q. (2018), Leveraging Australian Wine Export to China through Wine Tourism: The case of Margaret River. 2018 CAUTHE, Newcastle, Australia, 5- 8Feb 2018.

(10)Gu, Q., Qiu, H & Hung, K. (2017) The Current Opportunities and Challenges Faced by Traditional Shopping Destinations - A case study of Hong Kong. Proceedings of the 2017 APacCHRIE / APF Conference. Bali, Indonesia. 31 May- 2 June 2017.

(11)Gu, Q., Qiu, H & King, B.E.M. (2016) Identifying facilitators, constraints of wine tourism for outbound Chinese tourists. Proceedings of the 9th Academy of Wine Business Research Conference 2016. Adelaide, Australia.17-18 February 2016.

(12)Pearl, M.C. Lin, Vincent. Tung, Qiu. H., Gu. Q. & Zhao, A (2016). Investigating Travel Memories on Social Media, through Online Review and Photo Positing, TTRA APac 2015 Annual Conference, Tokyo, Japan. 4-6 December 2016.

(13)Gu, Q., Qiu, H., & King, B.E.M. (2015). The prevalence of wine tourism studies in hospitality and tourism journals: A literature review and suggestions for future research. Proceedings of the 2015 APacCHRIE / APF Conference. Auckland, New Zealand. 10 -13June, 2015.

(14)Gu, Q., & Qiu, H (2014). Facilitators and Constraints of Wine Tourism in Australia: A Comparative Study of Long haul Mandarin- and English-Speaking Tourists, 11th New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research, Waikato, New Zealand. 9-12 December, 2014.

(15)Gu, Q. (2014). Nature or Nurture? –A Comparison Case Study of Hong Kong Outbound Tourists Market between Long Haul and Short Haul Markets, The 2014 Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference and Asia Tourism Forum, Hong Kong, China, 18-20 May, 2014.

Awards 获得荣誉

(1)(2023)新兴葡萄酒旅游目的地空间网络结构及其影响因素-基于社会网络分析方法(QAP), 江苏省旅游学会,优秀论文一等奖, 2023 (顾秋实;叶浩滨;Vu Huy Quan)

(2)(2023) Tourism experience of intangible cultural heritage skills on the perspective of both suppliers and tourists. The 3rd Workshop of Asia Young Geographers,Best paper award,2023(陈科颖;顾秋实;廖嘉玮;史凤霞)  

(3)(2022)江苏省高校“青蓝工程” 优秀青年骨干教师.

(4)(2020)基于手机信令数据的南京市旅游客源地网络层次结构及区域分异研究,江苏省旅游学会,优秀论文二等奖, 2020(顾秋实;张海平;陈旻;谢毅).

(5)(2019) Tourists’ spatial-temporal behaviors in a wine tourism destination, 1st ITSA Asia-Pacific Tourism Forum, Best paper award, 2019 (Qiushi Gu; Haiping Zhang; Songshan (Sam) Huang; Fang Zheng)




