

陈楚倩,哲学博士(Doctor of Philosophy, 36365线路检测中心no1医学人文系讲师,硕士生导师,江苏省双创博士,36365线路检测中心no1“至善青年学者”支持计划B层次。


美国死亡教育与咨询学会注册生死学工作者(Certificate of Thanatology),香港赛马会善别关怀同盟Jockey Club Bereavement Care and Support Alliance顾问。江苏省卫生法学会医学伦理学专业委员会理事,江苏省高等学校医药教育研究会医学人文素质教育专业委员会理事


Aging & Mental Health》、《Journal of Pain and Symptom Management》、《Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences》、《Qualitative Health Research》、《Death Studies》、《Omega-Journal of Dying and Death》、《Social Work in Health Care》与《BMC Palliative Care》期刊审稿人。











1.     国家自然科学基金青年项目医务人员职业丧痛急性期反应与累积性影响的生理与心理机制2023 – 2025


1.  广东省社会科学规划青年项目疫情疲劳对心理健康的影响机制和干预研究2023 – 2024

2.  教育部人文社会科学基金青年项目灾后丧亲者延长哀伤障碍的影响机制与三级干预研究2021 – 2024

3.  国家社会科学基金青年项目家庭赋能视角下农村老年人照料模式构建及政策支持研究2020 – 2023




1.     Chen, C., & Chow, A. Y. M.* (2023). Influencing factors of nurses’ short-term bereavement reactions after patient death. Death Studies, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1080/07481187.2023.2230552

2.     Chen, C., Du, L.*, Cheng, G., & Jin, Y. (2023). Families' perception of terminal patients' prognosis awareness is associated with families' own grief: Evidence from a hospital in China. Journal of Advanced Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.15595

3.     Chen, C.Cheng, G.*Chen, X.Yu, L. (2023). Information disclosure to cancer patients in Mainland China: a meta-analysisPsychooncology114https://doi.org/10.1002/pon.6085

4.     Chen, C., Chow, A. Y. M.*, & Jiao, K. (2023). The meaning of patient deaths for professional caregivers: A quantitative construct validation. Death Studies, 47(4), 440-449. https://doi.org/10.1080/07481187.2022.2089776

5.     Chen, C., & Tang, S.* (2021). Profiles of grief, post-traumatic stress, and post-traumatic growth among people bereaved due to COVID-19. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 12(1), 1947563. doi:10.1080/20008198.2021.1947563

6.     Chen, C., Du, L.*, Wu, Q., & Jin, Y. (2021). Family caregivers' perceptions about patients' dying and death quality influence their grief intensity. Applied Nursing Research, 62, 151456. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnr.2021.151456

7.     Chen, C., & Chow, A. Y. M.* (2021). Assessment of professional bereavement: The development and validation of the Professional Bereavement Scale. Palliative and Supportive Care, 1-11.

8.     Chen, C., Chow, A. Y. M.*, & Xu, K. (2021). Bereavement After Patient Deaths Among Chinese Physicians and Nurses: A Qualitative Description Study. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 0030222821992194.

9.     Cheng, G., & Chen, C.* (2021). End-of-Life Needs of Dying Patients and Their Families in Mainland China: A Systematic Review. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 0030222821997340. doi:10.1177/0030222821997340

10.  Chen, C., Chow, A. Y. M.*, & Tang, S. (2020). Trajectories of depression symptoms in Chinese elderly during widowhood: a secondary analysis. Aging & Mental Health, 24(8), 1254-1262. doi:10.1080/13607863.2019.1603285

11.  Du, L., Chen, C.*,& Yang, C. (2020). Factors Influencing Chinese Professional Caregivers’ Bereavement Experiences After Patient Deaths: A Secondary Qualitative Study. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 0030222820948980.

12.  Chen, C*. (2019). Professional Grief and Burnout. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Switzerland: Springer, Cham.

13.  Chen, C., Chow, A. Y. M.*, & Tang, S. (2019). Professional caregivers’ bereavement after patients’ deaths: A scoping review of quantitative studies. Death Studies, 43(8), 500-508.

14.  Chen, C., Chow, A. Y. M.*, & Tang, S. (2018). Bereavement process of professional caregivers after deaths of their patients: A meta-ethnographic synthesis of qualitative studies and an integrated model. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 88, 104-113.

15.  Chen, C., Chen, J., & He, G.* (2017). Immorally obtained principal increases investors' risk preference. PLOS ONE, 12(4).

16.  陈楚倩,程国斌,张蕾 & 周宁*. (2020).基于服务场景的中国医务社工角色探讨医学与哲学(23),40-42+53.


1.     Li, F.*, Chen, C., Liu, J., Jia, H., Liu, S., & Lu, X. (2022). Funeral arrangements requested by suicide decedents in Shanghai and Wuhan, China. Death Studies, 1-6. doi:10.1080/07481187.2022.2048282

2.     Wu, Q., Chen, C., Liang, Y., Zhou, N., Cao, H., Du, H., . . . Chi, P. * (2020). Not Only the Forest and Trees but Also the Ground They Are Rooted in: Identifying Profiles of Self-Compassion from the Perspective of Dialecticism. Mindfulness, 11(8), 1967-1977.

3.     Chen, J., Chen, C., Wang, Y., & He, G.* (2019). Probability discounting of environmental gains: do we multiply or add up? Journal of Risk Research, 22(12), 1479-1489.

4.     Jiao, K., Chow, A. Y. M.*, & Chen, C. (2020). Dyadic Relationships between a Surviving Parent and Children in Widowed Families: A Systematic Scoping Review. Family Process, n/a(n/a).

5.     Chen, J., Xiang, X., Lee, J. L. C., Chen, C., He, Y., & Lou, V. W. Q.* (2020). Physical activity and posttraumatic growth: A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative studies. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 49, 101679.



1.   2022 第五届医疗健康社会学青年论坛(中国,南京)

报告:Information Disclosure to Cancer Patients in Mainland China: A Meta-Analysis(一作)

2.   2022 Association for Death Education and Counseling 43rd Annual Conference(美国,圣路易,线上参会)

报告:Predictive Factors on Professional Caregivers’ Short-Term Bereavement Reactions after Patient Deaths: A Quantitative Analysis (一作)

3.   2021 第四届医疗健康社会学青年论坛(中国,南京)

报告:Profiles of grief, post-traumatic stress, and post-traumatic growth among people bereaved due to COVID-19 (一作)

4.   2018 20th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy (香港)

海报: Bereavement of Professional Caregivers after Deaths of Their Patients: A Systematic

Review and An Integrated Framework (一作)

5.     2017 11th International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society - a

Common Language (葡萄牙,里斯本)

报告: Professional caregivers’ bereavement after patients’ deaths: a qualitative systematic

review and an integrative model (一作)

6.   2016 第三届决策与脑研究国际研讨会暨第二届决策心理学全国学术年会 (中国,上海)

海报:Immoral principal increases investors' risk preference (一作)

7.   2015 16 届浙江心理学大会(中国,宁波)

报告: 本金获得手段的道德性对投资者风险偏好的影响(二作)



1.     2022.12 36365线路检测中心no1附属中大医院“疫情常态防控下全科医师综合能力提升学习班《医务人员自我心理关怀:面对疾病与死亡》

2.    2022.9   TED×SEU 《医务人员的职业丧痛》

3.     2022.8  江苏省肿瘤医院护理部人文培训《肿瘤护理人员的自我心理关怀》

4.     2022.3 深圳大学“心社研学”研讨会: 《中国医务人员的职业丧痛研究》

5.     2021.12 忽明忽暗(WrinkleYourBrain)播客节目《旁观死亡:丧亲者的哀伤和医务工作者的职业丧痛》

6.     2021.11 忽明忽暗(WrinkleYourBrain)播客节目《直视死亡:生命是接受自我有限性的历程》

7.     2021.5 36365线路检测中心no1医学人文大讲堂一个生命走了:面对患者死亡的医务人员》

8.     2020.7 36365线路检测中心no1人文青年学者讲座《英文论文写作经验交流》

9.     2019.11 36365线路检测中心no1人文青年学者讲座《医护工作者在病人死亡后的体验》