36365线路检测中心no1科技哲学高层论坛系列讲座之十五:How to Make Sense of Philosophical Explanations?


: How to Make Sense of Philosophical Explanations?

宾:Prof. Andoni Ibarra




安东尼·伊瓦拉(Andoni Ibarra)教授是西班牙语世界中科学哲学研究的重要代表性人物和学术活动的组织者,西班牙巴斯克国家大学哲学系教授,科学、技术与人文中心主任。TheoriaBoletinRepresentacionesInternational Journal of Projects等多个学术期刊的主编、编辑,西班牙ANEP基金、阿根廷ANPCYT基金、哥伦比亚ITM基金等基金评委。

Andoni Ibarra. Doctor in Philosophy (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU), 1994. He is a Professor of Philosophy of Science at the UPV/EHU, and Director of the Chair Miguel Sánchez-Mazas, a chair devoted to the Studies of Science, Technology and Innovation at the same university. He is the Director of the International Graduate Programme in Philosophy, Science and Values, and a member of the Board of Direction of the Master and DoctorateSchool at the UPV/EHU.Principal Investigator of the PRAXIS research group, he has directed more than 15 research projects and supervised more than 20 PhD dissertations. Editor-in-chief of Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science. Member of various societies and institutes, among these, VIRI (Virtual Institute for Responsible Innovation, Arizona State University), has also been a member of a number of Advisory or Direction Boards (including the Advisory Board of the Institute for Science and Technology Studies at the National University of Quilmes, Argentina).

He has published books and papers focusing on the History of Philosophy of Science in 20th Century; Representational practices in science, technology and art;  Networks of knowledge; Validation and evaluation of science and technology; and Governance and responsible innovation
