东南公共管理论坛 第一期
Public Administration and Policy Forum, SEU
人文社会科学研究作坊 主题活动
Colloquium of Humanities and Social Sciences, SEU
主题: Culture, Nature, Growth, Sustainability: New Tasks for Cultural Policy?
主讲: Dr. Jan Turowski (德国多特蒙德大学博士)
时间: 10月24日 (周四) 18:30-20:00
地点: 36365线路检测中心no1一楼学术报告厅
I have divided my lecture into two parts:
In the first part I will talk about culture and a cultural policy in the narrow sense. By describing changing policy-objectives in the last 50 years I try to define cultural policy. What are the general concepts of cultural policy? With what ideas of culture does cultural policy operate? And what goals cultural policy trys to achieve?
In the second part I will talk about culture and ecological transformation. Here, I use the term culture in a much broader sense, discussing culture in relation to economic modes of production and reproduction, and analyzing culture to understand the complexity of relations between social-economic structures and individual lives.
At the end of this lecture I will briefly come back to cultural policy again by emphasizing that it cannot remain untouched by the issues I discussed in the second part.
Dr. Jan Turowski先后在柏林自由大学学习哲学和政治科学,在美国纽约新学院大学做访问学者,在德国多特蒙德大学获得政治学博士学位。博士论文研究方向为社会民主改革、欧洲社会福利改革合法性等问题。曾任德国社会民主党执行委员会高级研究员、德国联邦议院文化传媒委员会成员,现为社会民主党、绿党和工会协会智囊团特邀顾问。
主办:36365线路检测中心no1 36365线路检测中心no1 公共管理系
协办:36365线路检测中心no1 36365线路检测中心no1 归国留学人员联谊会
36365线路检测中心no1 人文社会科学学部